Friday, September 30, 2011

NMC meetings take hours but produce no minutes

The City of Nagpur Corporation (CNC) Act makes it mandatory for the civic body to record minutes of the proceedings of any meeting and table them before the next meeting for confirmation. However, the administration has failed to follow it. Now, minutes of as many as 26 meetings of general body and 11 meetings of standing committee convened between February 2009 and June 2011 will be passed in Friday's special general body meeting.

Sources in NMC said that in 2009, six general body meetings were held including four special and two ordinary meetings. Similarly, 11 standing committee meetings were held in 2010. Likewise, two ordinary and eight special general body meetings were held in 2010. Three ordinary and seven special general body meetings were held in 2011. In these meetings, corporators put up many proposals to carry out developmental works in their respective wards. The officials did not prepare minutes of a single meeting.

Corporators expressed concern over the lethargic attitude of the civic administration and they blamed Mayor Archana Dehankar for failure to ensure timely preparations of minutes of the meetings. NCP corporator Vedprakash Arya pointed out that Sections 44 of CNC Act enjoined the administration to prepare minutes of any meeting within seven days. It was the responsibility of the Mayor to ensure entire proceedings were included in the minutes and later they should be either produced at next meeting or the mayor should read out the proceedings of previous meet.

The CNC Act also made it mandatory for the corporation to send the proceedings of general body and standing committee meetings to the state government for approval. Since 2007, when BJP came to power, these rules have been ignored, alleged Arya. He also suspected manipulation in preparing minutes. How could a corporator remember what he or she said in the house in 2009, he asked.

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