Friday, April 6, 2012

Marketing of Financial Services: Market Segmentation

Banking Diploma Courses in Bangladesh under The Institute of Bankers, Bangladesh (IBB)
Marketing of Financial Services-JAIBB
Market Segmentation

A.  Levels of market segmentation.
1.  Segment marketing :     
2.  Niche marketing :
3.  Local marketing :
4.  Individual marketing :                  (To Get Download Option Click Read More)

B.  Pattern of market segmentation.
1.  Homogeneous preferences :
2.  Diffused preference :
3.  Clustered preference :

C.  Market segmentation procedure.
1.  Survey stage :
2.  Analysis stage :
3.  Profiling stage :

D.  Basis for segmenting consumer markets.

1.  Geographic segmentation :

2.  Demographic segmentation :

(a)  Age and life - cycle stage :
(b)  Gender :
(c)  Income :
(d)  Generation :
(e)  Social class :

3.  Psychological segmentation :
(a)  Lifestyle :
(b)  Personality :
(c)  Values :

4.  Behavioural segmentation :
(a)  Occasions :
(b)  Benefits :
(c)  Users status :
(d)  Usage rate :
(e)  Loyal status :
            (i)         Hard core loyals :
            (ii)        Split loyals :
            (iii)       Shifting loyals :
(iv)         Switchers :
(f)  Buyer readiness stage :
(g)  Attitude :

5.  Multi – attribute segmentation ( Geoclustering ) :

6.  Targeting multiple segments :

E.  Major segmentation variable for business markets.

1.  Demographic :
(a)  Industry :
(b)  Company size :
(c)  Location :

2.  Operating variables :
(a)  Technology :
(b)  User or nonuser status :
(c)  Customer capabilities :

3.  Purchasing approach :
(a)  Purchasing - function organization :
(b)  Power structure :
(c)  Nature of existing relationship :
(d)  General purchase policies :
(e)  Purchasing criteria :

4.  Situational factors :
(a)  Urgency :
(b)  Specific application :
(c)  Size of order :

5.  Personal characteristics :
(a)  Buyer - seller similarity :
(b)  Attitude toward risk :
(c)  loyalty :

F.  Effective segmentation.
1.  Measurable :
2.  Substantial :
3.  Accessible :
4.  Differentiable :
5.  Actionable :

G. Selecting the market segments.
1.  Single - segment concentration :
2.  Selective specialization :
3.  Product specialization :
4.  Market specialization :
5.  Full market coverage :

Market Segmentation

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