Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Structure of GATE 2012

Structure of GATE 2012

Paper Code Paper Code
Aerospace Engineering AE Instrumentation Engineering IN
Agricultural Engineering AG Mathematics MA
Architecture and Planning AR Mechanical Engineering ME
Biotechnology BT Mining Engineering MN
Civil Engineering CE Metallurgical Engineering MT
Chemical Engineering CH Physics PH
Computer Science and
Information Technology
CS Production and Industrial
Chemistry CY Engineering Sciences XE*
Electronics and Communication
EC Textile Engineering and
Fibre Science
Electrical Engineering EE Life Sciences XL*
Geology and Geophysics GG

Each paper is of three hours duration and will consist of only objective type questions. A candidate can apply for only ONE of the twenty one papers listed above.

* XE and XL papers are of general nature and will comprise of the sections listed in the table below. A candidate appearing in XE and XL paper will be require to answer three section apart from general aptitude section. Section A is compulsory in XE paper and section H is compulsory in XL paper. The candidates can choose any two out of the remaining sections listed under the respective papers, at the time of examination.

XE Paper Sections Code XL Paper Sections Code
Engineering Mathematics
A Chemistry (Compulsory) H
Fluid Mechanics B Biochemistry I
Materials Science C Botany J
Solid Mechanics D Microbiology K
Thermodynamics E Zoology L
Polymer Science and Engineering F Food Technology M
Food Technology G

You have to opt for your subject and study as per the syllabus mentioned in the GATE brochure.

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